US Students Gain Top University Admissions with CGA’s Online US Diploma Program

03/28/20257 minute read
US Students Gain Top University Admissions with CGA’s Online US Diploma Program

It’s been a month of celebration for our US students across Crimson Global Academy (CGA) as they receive university offers from some of the world's best universities.

The traditional path to college is well worn. Brick-and-mortar schools, APs, extracurriculars, and the ever-present pressure of getting everything just right. But what happens when you step off that path?

At Crimson Global Academy, we’ve seen that something powerful happens when students take their education into their own hands. Our online US Diploma program doesn’t just offer flexibility or convenience, it gives students possibility.

For Konoka Minegishi in Massachusetts and Soyun Kim in New York City, that possibility became reality. This year, both students received offers from top-tier universities. Konoka is heading to Wellesley College, while Soyun has been offered a place at New York University. 

Here’s how they got there.

Konoka Minegishi: Psychology, Music, and a Clear Vision for the Future

Konoka, 18, joined CGA full-time from Massachusetts and immediately set her sights on a pathway that fit perfectly with her academic goals and personal interests. Her course list speaks for itself.

“I took AP Psychology, AP Computer Science A, AP Chemistry, AP Biology, Project Management… This year, I’m taking AP Statistics, AP Human Geography, AP Environmental Science, AP English Language, Creative Writing, and Anatomy and Physiology.”

That focus and consistency led to Early Decision acceptance at Wellesley College, with additional offers from UMass Boston, UMass Amherst, Northeastern, and Wheaton.

“The university needed to have departments that aligned with my interests. Most colleges have psychology, but I was specifically looking for schools that also had a music department because I want to minor in music.”

Her choice to study online with CGA was brought upon by the need for a program that offered both academic rigor and strong university guidance.

My previous online school wasn’t academically rigorous and didn’t provide much support with college applications. At CGA, I felt comfortable reaching out to teachers. They were really supportive, especially when I was struggling with mental health issues last year due to APs.

- Konoka M, CGA Student, Massachusetts

Alongside her studies, she played violin, volunteered, founded clubs, and took on leadership roles within the CGA community.

“Founding and joining clubs, and getting leadership roles helped a lot…I set up a planner and a daily schedule. My extracurriculars, mainly violin and volunteering, were actually easy to manage once I had my study planner set up.”

Konoka plans to study psychology with the impressive goal of becoming a researcher focused on transgenerational trauma.

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Soyun Kim: From Skating to STEM and a Spot at NYU

Soyun, 17, has been learning online since ninth grade. Her enrolment at CGA came after realizing she needed more from her school system. More challenge, more connection, and more preparation for what was to come after high school.

“So when I found CGA, I noticed how it was a perfect mix of both academic rigour and being able to interact and engage in the community.”

She dove into a packed academic schedule that included ten AP courses, with a strong emphasis on STEM.

“Currently, I’m studying AP Chemistry, AP Language and Composition, AP Physics Mechanics, AP US History, and Graphic Design. Last year, I studied AP Biology, AP World History, English 3, Chemistry, and Applied Math.”

“I’m planning to major in neuroscience with a pre-med track, so hopefully, the courses I took will help me along the way.”

Soyun’s relationship with NYU began well before she submitted her application.

“I’ve always been involved with NYU throughout my high school years, and I was able to work with many professors and doctors to publish papers. That’s one of the reasons why I applied.”

She was accepted to NYU through Early Decision II, where she plans to continue her research and eventually pursue medical school.

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Time management, note-taking strategies, and a disciplined approach to learning helped her stay on top of everything—even while preparing for one of the most rigorous AP science courses without a physics background.

“Because of my skating practices, I always thought it would be impossible to manage a big workload. But what I did was start my assignments right after class…I use a strategy called active recall… Then I go back to my notes, see what I missed, and repeat the process until I get everything right.”

I had never taken any physics classes before, but I really wanted to take AP Physics C. Since I didn’t know any physics beforehand, my teacher really personalized the whole curriculum for me so I could catch up and learn the necessary concepts.

- Soyun Kim, CGA Student, New York

At CGA, she also became Art Prefect of Mandela House and joined student-led clubs like the Young Authors Society and the Classical Music Club.

“Join clubs, interact with teachers, and form good relationships with them because you’ll need recommendation letters.”

USDP Students Are Getting In—Everywhere

Konoka and Soyun’s stories are just two among many this year.

As university decisions continue to roll in, we’re seeing CGA’s US Diploma students gain admissions to some of the most competitive and well-regarded universities in the United States—from coast to coast, from liberal arts colleges to large research institutions.

US University Acceptances (2025):

  • University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA)
  • Emory University
  • University of Southern California (USC)
  • Wellesley College
  • Northwestern University
  • New York University (NYU)
  • Georgetown University
  • University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign (UIUC)
  • University of California, Irvine (UC Irvine)
  • University of California, San Diego (UC San Diego)
  • University of California, Davis (UC Davis)
  • University of California, Berkeley (UC Berkeley)
  • Purdue University

We designed our US Diploma program to be flexible but rigorous, with live AP courses, small class sizes, and academic guidance that mirrors what students would expect in top-tier independent schools.

Interested in learning how the US Diploma can help your child strive for the world’s best universities? Speak to an Academic Advisor today.