Celebrating World Teachers Day at CGA
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Di obtained a BA degree in Psychology and English at Rhodes University, Grahamstown, South Africa and started teaching over 30 years ago. Her experience has been enriched by teaching at schools in South Africa and New Zealand. She has had a variety of roles and responsibilities including Head of Department and Dean in various New Zealand schools for the last 20-plus years, as well as a check marker for external examinations. Di’s been involved in online learning for the past 10 years and her aim is to support, encourage and push students towards academic excellence.
I joined CGA in May 2020 and taught the first CGA A Level Psychology class. When I came across CGA, I was immediately drawn to its unique emphasis on providing high-quality education to students from all walks of life. The idea of being a part of an online school that prioritises the needs of its students and creates a supportive learning environment motivated me to apply for a job.
A: Getting to know my students is an integral part of my educational philosophy. My favourite part of being a teacher is being in the classroom with students. I love my subject and I love exploring the content with my students. It is a privilege to share a part of our students’ learning journey with them.
A: I have high expectations for myself and my students. I try to make sure there is a balance between teacher- talk, student interaction and time for individual reflection. Fortunately, breakout rooms, kahoots and other technological supports help break up the lessons into these categories. I also make a deliberate point to speak to each student in a breakout room regularly so that they can discuss their learning in a private setting.
A: At CGA the classes are small and everyone is sitting in the front row. Teachers get to know their students and can adapt their lessons more effectively to meet the needs of each student. A lot of the stressors students face are removed by being in a safe environment and meeting with like-minded students who have similar goals.
A: It is hard to pinpoint one moment, but hearing from excited students when they have reached or surpassed their academic goals is always rewarding. Contrary to preconceived ideas, online learning does not reduce engagement or connections. Some of my most memorable classroom moments have been at CGA. The diversity of each classroom enriches so many lessons as each student brings unique experiences to our discussions.
A: Teaching online forces teachers to engage with technology in innovative ways that are more reflective of students' everyday experiences with technology. There are so many technological tools available that make online classes more interactive and they help deep learning occur.
A: As Taylor Swift says, " Be yourself, chase your dreams, and just never say never.”
Do not give up. As various sportsmen have said, the harder they work the luckier they get.
My favourite two books are Scott Fitzgerald's " The Great Gatsby" and Harper Lee's "To Kill a Mockingbird". I also love being outdoors so I spend time tramping, camping, fishing and walking in the hills around Blenheim. I am also known to play the odd game or two of tennis.