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How to Transition to CGA Full-Time

08/11/20239 minute read
 How to Transition to CGA Full-Time

Navigating the educational landscape can be a complex process, but with the right guidance and planning, shifting to Crimson Global Academy (CGA) can be a seamless and rewarding experience for families looking for a comprehensive online education - in the comfort of your home.

We understand that changing schools is a significant moment for any high schooler and their family. That's why this guide is here to outline the necessary steps to transition to CGA, aiming to make the process as smooth and stress-free as possible for your child.

Step 1: Personalised Discovery Call with CGA

The initial stride towards a world-class education with CGA starts with a personalised 30-minute discovery call with our Academic Admissions Advisor. This vital consultation is designed to explore the alignment of CGA’s educational offerings with your child's academic requirements and your family's aspirations. During this in-depth conversation, we will discuss:

Academic Interests: Uncovering your child's passions and how they can be nurtured at CGA.

Schedule Requirements: Understanding the flexibility needed to accommodate your child's lifestyle and extracurricular engagements.

Online Schooling Suitability: Assessing whether your child's learning style and circumstances are conducive to our dynamic online learning environment.

University Goals: Outlining your child's higher education objectives to ensure that our curriculum supports their long-term academic ambitions.

This discovery call, whether conducted over Zoom or phone, is more than just an information session—it's a collaborative effort to design a bespoke educational pathway that resonates with your child's unique educational journey. If you’re looking to get started today, you can schedule a call with an Admissions Advisor.

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Step 2: Formalising the Transition from Current School to CGA

Making the decision to move to CGA is the first step in a transformative educational journey. Once you have decided that CGA is the perfect environment for your child, the next practical step is to formally withdraw them from their current school. This process is a critical pathway to your child’s new learning adventure and involves a few important actions:

  • Notice Period: Firstly, review and adhere to your current school's notice period for withdrawal to ensure a smooth transition. This is a courtesy as well as a requirement that helps maintain a positive relationship with them.
  • Optional Medical Certificate: In some instances, to bridge the gap between withdrawal and registration, a medical certificate for stress leave can be requested from your doctor, providing your child with legitimate respite during the transition period.
  • School Support: Many schools are understanding of homeschooling and may even offer the option to return in the future. It’s advisable to inquire if the school is willing to reserve a place for your child, should they choose to return. Our advice to parents here is that the early high school years (7-10) aren’t usually a problem but they’ll find it very difficult to transfer into a school during the final 2 years. For this reason it is imperative to maintain open communication with all parties involved, so you can facilitate a smooth and supportive transition.
  • Formal Exemption Request: If you're considering taking a formal leave of absence from your current school for your child, it's important to have a conversation with the principal. This type of leave is often granted for specific purposes like high-level sports or the arts, and while it's not a sure thing, it's definitely worth inquiring about. Crafting a clear and courteous letter to the principal is key in this process and can allow your family the time to plan necessary arrangements. Below is a suggested format for such a letter:

[Your Home Address]

[School's Address]


Dear [Principal's Name],

I hope this letter finds you well. I am reaching out to discuss [Child's Full Name], who is currently enrolled at [School's Name]. We are considering a transition to an alternative educational pathway that aligns more closely with our child's learning style and future academic goals.

In light of these circumstances, we would like to formally request the withdrawal of [Child's Full Name] from [School's Name], to be effective starting [Date].

We are fully aware of and respect [School's Name]'s policies on student leave and assure you that we will undertake all necessary measures to ensure a smooth transition.

We are grateful for the support and understanding of [School's Name] and look forward to your cooperation in this matter.

Warm regards,

[Your Name]

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Step 3: Assessment, Enrolment, and Orientation at CGA

With a decision made and the previous school informed, the next step in joining CGA is a practical and exciting one. It's time to formalise your child's place in the CGA community and set the stage for their academic advancement.

  • Academic Assessments: Begin by completing any necessary CGA academic assessments. These evaluations are crucial as they ensure that your child is placed in the appropriate level for each subject, catering to their specific educational needs. These will be outlined by your Admissions Advisor.
  • Enrolment Process: The enrolment forms are designed to be user-friendly and can be completed in approximately 10 minutes. It's a streamlined process that marks the official start of your child’s CGA journey.
  • Payment and Certification: Upon payment of the first instalment, CGA is able to issue a certificate of enrolment. This document is often requested by schools during the withdrawal process and serves as formal confirmation of your child's new educational pathway.
  • Trial Class: For a taste of the CGA learning environment, sign up for a complimentary trial class. This is an opportunity for prospective students to experience our highly engaging, real-time online lessons. Expect to see our exemplary teachers in action, fostering interactive and participative small-class learning. You can register for a FREE trial class here.
  • Onboarding and Orientation: The onboarding process at CGA is designed to be thorough and welcoming. Your child will complete an orientation programme, allowing them to connect with fellow students from across the globe. This is more than just a familiarisation exercise—it's the beginning of building a global network and becoming part of an international cohort of learners.

Step 4: Securing Educational Status and Preparing for the Future

As you progress with the transition to Crimson Global Academy, the fourth step is to solidify your child's educational status and prepare to commence classes.

If you are in Australia, you will need to apply for homeschool status. CGA offers support for homeschooling applicants to ensure a smooth approval process. It's noteworthy that all full-time students at CGA have successfully obtained this status. For those in New Zealand or the United States, your child can remain as a fully enrolled student within a registered school system while attending CGA.

  • Commencing Classes: There is no requirement to delay the start of classes at CGA while waiting for homeschool application approval, which can take several months. CGA's support team is ready to assist you through this period.
  • Documentation for Future Educational Pathways: CGA is well-equipped to provide students with all the necessary documentation for a seamless transition back to physical schools, or to support applications for university, scholarships, and future career endeavors. This suite of documents includes, but is not limited to, non-traditional graduation certificates, comprehensive transcripts, exam results, and predicted grades. You can view more on our transcripts and certifications here.

CGA prides itself on offering tailored support to ensure that each student has the documentation and backing needed to achieve their educational and career aspirations. This step is about more than just immediate educational needs; it's about setting your child up for long-term success.

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Advice for Students and Parents Transitioning to CGA

As you navigate the transition to Crimson Global Academy, it's essential to maintain clear and consistent communication with both your current school and CGA, ensuring a full understanding of all the necessary steps and available support. Careful planning is paramount, with special attention given to adhering to notice periods and anticipating the timeframe for homeschool registration. Organising and maintaining detailed records of all relevant communications and enrolment documents will be instrumental. 

Transitioning to CGA full-time is a bold move that can unlock unprecedented opportunities for students to engage with a global curriculum and community. By following these steps and seeking comprehensive advice, students and parents can navigate this change confidently, ensuring educational continuity and success. So what are you waiting for? Speak to an Academic Advisor and get started today.