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How do international policy decisions get made on a global stage? And how do you prepare for a career in politics and diplomacy? If debate and research are your passions, then Model UN is the place for you. The CGA Model UN club helps students take the next step from their global classroom to a global forum of discussion on important world issues.

What is Model UN?

Model UN is a popular activity for those interested in learning more about how the UN operates. Hundreds of thousands of students worldwide take part every year at all educational levels. Many of today’s leaders in law, government, business and the arts – including at the UN itself – participated in Model UNs as students.

Meet some graduates of the Model UN programme here.

The program also helps build and maintain strong links between the UN and Model UN participants across the globe. It does that through guides and workshops, which teach students how to make their simulations more accurate. Students also learn by visiting Model UN conferences and sharing firsthand knowledge of what the actual UN is like. They are also encouraged to take real action to support UN values and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

The program is not limited to the UN alone, though. It also encompasses other international bodies, like the EU and NATO, and nation states and their policies. Students role-play as representatives of an assigned country and committee and then become part of cabinets that debate on opposing sides of an issue.

How does a club session usually run?

MUN Club meets on a weekly basis at 9am GMT. The club operates on a 4-weekly cycle - at the start of each cycle, we pick a new topic for debate, assign the countries that we will each be representing and do research preparation for our upcoming debate.

In this session, we also learn about parliamentary procedure, how to make better speeches, and how to write resolutions In the remaining 3 weeks of each cycle, we debate the topic for that cycle following the parliamentary procedure of Harvard Model United Nations, emulating how most MUN conferences for high school students are run.

What skills does the club teach?

Model UN offers a lot of benefits while teaching important life skills to club members. Club members will master their public speaking and debating skills. It really builds confidence in participants.

Students will also gain a deeper appreciation for the nuances of human perspective and learn how to critically analyse, but also justify, parallel viewpoints on the world’s most topical issues. “Model UN really forces a student to put themselves in the shoes of another nation, with another culture with completely different perspectives,” says Audrey.

The club also helps students develop their critical thinking and problem-solving skills by participating in debates. Students also hone their research and writing skills through all the work required to prepare for each club meeting. All these skills are highly-valued by college admissions officers.

Audrey also highlights that students form life-long friendships through the club that span the globe. It seems to be the natural extension for CGA students who are already part of a global classroom. The issues tackled through the club force students to think about difficult current event topics that might not be discussed amongst families and friends.

The topics also help expand a student’s knowledge outside the classroom. A lot of international curricula does not cover current events, says Audrey, and this is a great way to inform students about it. “Model UN helps young students become peacekeepers in the long run,” says Audrey and that is probably one of the most important things in today’s political landscape.

Learn more about the web development club here.

How do I enroll?

All you have to do is fill out a form and you will be on your way. The club runs year-round and meets once a week.