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All your questions about school, curriculum, university readiness and wellbeing are covered by our free resources.

Our Recent Webinars

Over 1,600 people from around the world have attended our webinars that have covered more than 40 topics by education experts. If you missed them, here is a small selection.

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Meet some of our expert speakers

A school is only as good as its school leaders. CGA’s Academic team has an outstanding track record of performance and experience. Our webinars bring some of the best speakers from the education field to you. We feature teachers who have over 20 years of experience and are prepared to answer all your questions.

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Explore Our Blogs

Read all the latest, news, articles, hear from our teachers and get updates on our recent student success stories.

Free eBooks

Interested in learning more about CGA and how you can build a better high school experience? Check out our collection of free expert resources below.

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Watch Our Latest Careers Fair

Our week-long series of events covered a range of topics, from Tech, AI and the Future of Work to Exploring Diverse Career Paths, High School Subject Selection to University Admissions and College Life.

mastering soft skills
how i became a founder webinar
careers fair medical
AI and the Digital Revolution
Unlocking University Admissions
legal pathways

Try CGA's Online Class

Experience what online learning could look like. At CGA every student has a front-row seat in our small, live and engaging classrooms and are taught by top international teachers.

online class